Monday, September 8, 2008

The Decline of America - Liberalism and godlessness it's cause

Hello USA, - - - (Notice I didn't say "Hello World")

I am extremely saddened and worried about what I see happening to America and it's people. Maybe I am an idealist and viewed USA as a child through rose-colored glasses but too many things have gone down hill since then to not be puzzled and worried.

I believe the main culprits are the following:

1. Liberalism
2. Godlessness
3. Fast Paced Society

Liberals tend to lean heavily towards communism but they are also defeatists in that they, being usually rich or well-off themselves tend to believe that everyone else should have a right to money just like them (Of course none of theirs, don't be silly) and that the public coffers should be busted open and spread amongst all those less fortunate. They forget or ignore the fact that many of these people choose to be in these situations or have made very poor decisions repeatedly in order to cause their problems (Talking about homeless in USA).

Liberals discard reason and instead of trying to help the people re-think and re-learn how to become productive and good citizens, they instead create citizens that are ever looking for the next handout. Liberals also tend to be anti-christian and have very loose morals.

One thing that blows my mind about liberals is the following:

It is OK to kill innocent unborn children but it is NOT ok to kill convicted murderers and rapists.. ?? I'll have to say WTF!!

Seriously, this is a perfect example of the insanity of the liberal mind. It is totally backwards.

See, Innocent Children should be allowed to live! If the mother doesn't want the child (even if it is conceived by rape or other tragedy) then the child should be brought to term and adopted! This of course if the woman who had the child is not willing to accept responsibility for the life that grew within her.

On the other hand, the death sentence when it is given is not given lightly and is usually well deserved as the person either lived a long life of crime or did something extremely heinous. However in this case, when the death penalty is given, the offender could be on death row for decades before being executed. Perhaps they should give the same time frame when deciding to kill a baby.

This thinking is so evil and messed up that it's beyond comprehension how people can think that way!!

More to come..

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